Recipe: Tasty Fruit cocktail 🥘

Fruit cocktail 🥘. #FruitCocktail #КакВыиграть #ВыигратьВКлубнички. Занос Игрового Автомата Клубнички.Бонусная Игра в Слот Fruit Cocktail[Фруктовый Коктейль]. When you see Fruit Cocktail for the first time, you will undoubtedly feel a blast from the past. Very moist and fruity cake, no oil added, quick and easy.

Fruit cocktail 🥘 You can have Fruit cocktail 🥘 using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fruit cocktail 🥘

  1. Prepare of papaya(Small size).
  2. It’s of Fresh red apples (Peeled one).
  3. It’s of Some Grapes.
  4. It’s of peaches (Peeled).
  5. Prepare of bananas (peeled).
  6. It’s of mix fruit tang.
  7. Prepare of sugar.

Fruit cocktail 🥘 step by step

  1. Cut the fruits in small pieces and mix.
  2. In q cup at tang and sugar un small amount of water.
  3. Mix the liquid with fruits.
  4. It's ready to serve.